Message from John Robson (Chair of Governors)
Welcome to the Governing Body of Flourish Federation. The governing body is made up of representatives from the local community, the Diocese, the school, parents and the local authority. School governors perform the most important voluntary role in education and a full and diverse governing body can be an enormous strength to a school
The core functions of the Governing Body are:
- Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
- Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard
The Governors role is strategic and the Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the schools and nursery within our federation.
The Governing Body is responsible for;
- determining the mission, values and long-term ambitious vision for the school
- deciding the principles that guide school policies and approving key policies
- working with senior leaders to develop a strategy for achieving the vision
- ensuring that parents, pupils, staff and the wider community are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate
- ensuring that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum such that pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life
- setting the school’s budget and ensuring it is managed effectively together with premises and other resources
- agreeing the school’s staffing structure and keeping it under review to ensure it supports delivery of the strategy
- ensuring robust risk management procedures are in place and that risk control measures are appropriate and effective
A key part of the Governor’s role is to monitor and evaluate the school’s performance against the priorities that have been set to ensure that progress is being made.
In order to carry out our duties we have a full Governors meeting each half term and we have a Resources Committee that meets once per term. Copies of the minutes of these meetings are available to the public, to request a copy please email the clerk of governors using the following email address
We welcome any feedback and comments you have.
Being a school governor can be a very rewarding role and if you are interested please contact me.
I can be contacted by email via the contact us page or directly using or if you prefer by letter addressed to Chair of Governors at the school’s address.
Governing Body
- John Robson
- Victoria McConnell
- Tonia Culpin
- Merrie Dadd
- Samantha Daykin
- Christine Hardman
We have Governor Vacancies
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about becoming a school governor for Flourish Federation, Thank you
We currently have four governor vacancies. A Foundation governor representing the Bishop of Norwich, a foundation governor for Stibbard PCC, a parent governor and a co-opted governor.